Case Study

Maple Grove Lakeview

The Goal

Design a Narrow-Lot Single-Family Home Community

Northwest of Arbor Lakes, an upscale commercial and residential district in the City of Maple Grove, a developer had 15 finished lots. The area was density-rich, designed around a beautiful 44-acre park and had many apartments and townhome communities nearby. This developer had a vision – to bring a unique offering to the neighborhood that included detached single-family homes on narrow lots.

The Challenge

Upscale Homes with Smaller Floor Plans

Centra knew this area was attracting wealthier move-up buyers who were interested in a more private residence with a yard for entertaining. The lots were 41 feet wide, which was smaller than typical designs, so the floor plan of the homes needed to convey a sense of openness and sophistication while encompassing a smaller footprint.

The Solution

Create A New Floor Plan & Design

Centra had architects design a completely new floor plan which consisted of two-story homes featuring an open-concept interior.

The Achievement

High-Demand & Quick Sells

Centra closed on the land in May 2018 and was able to build and sell each home in the community in less than two years. The upscale and detached design provided the type of aesthetic and privacy buyers were looking for, but at a lower price point than other homes on the market in the highly-desired area.