Meadows at Hugo Ahead of Schedule

Dale Wills

Last Updated: September 18, 2024

The Meadows at Hugo (Phase 2), a Centra Capital Partners investment opportunity, is ahead of schedule!

The first two houses sold in September beating our original projections. Construction is also ahead of schedule on this project. We originally planned on starting 18 homes by November. Buyer demand has accelerated our build schedule. 16 homes are under construction and another 4 will be started soon.

What This Means For Investors

The hold period for this offering has shortened by 5 months. Accredited investors can now capture 25% return in 19 months.

This project is exceeding expectations, and as an investor, this means you could receive a quicker return on capital with less risk and a faster cash distribution.

About the Project

Centra is building 39 single-family homes in this phase. Centra owns and controls the development from start to finish, allowing us to control costs, control risk, and adhere to our schedule.

Phase 1 is already complete with all 48 homes sold, and initial projections for Phase 2 were based on Phase 1’s success.

Why Invest Now?

80% of the homes Centra builds are sold before construction is complete. The first two homes sold in Phase 2 of the Meadows at Hugo were less than 20% complete.

With the September 2024 Fed rate cut of half a percentage point, demand for single-family homes in this market is expected to increase dramatically over the next several months.

The Meadows at Hugo is open for a limited time only. We will close the opportunity mid-November. The minimum investment is $100,000, and it is open to accredited investors only.

Book a call with our Investor Relations Team to see how you can invest in a project that is outperforming expectations!