
Josh Brotemarkle

President & General Counsel

Josh is a native Minnesotan who thrives off of tackling challenges - the bigger the better! He came to the Centra team inspired by the products and services it offers, and the potential it has in the real estate investment market.

An Air Force veteran who is hardwired for structured systems and processes, Josh plays an essential role in optimizing Centra’s business operations as the company enters new markets and expands its investment offerings.

Josh is a graduate of Chapman University and attended the University of Minnesota Law School. He has served the real estate and construction industry since graduating in 2006, and started his career as a trial lawyer representing general contractors, subcontractors, and real estate developers. He also has significant appellate experience, representing clients at the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Minnesota Court of Appeals, and the Minnesota Supreme Court.

In 2016, Josh joined one of his clients as CFO and General Counsel. He served in this capacity for five years, helping lead the team through a complete digital transformation and expanding the business from local projects to projects spanning the entire U.S.

As an experienced C-suite executive, Josh has contributed to significant financial growth in the companies he’s served. He’s delivered strategic solutions that integrate the legal, financial, IT, human resources, and operational aspects of a business, and has developed a blueprint to grow a company from a small corporation into an industry powerhouse. His wide range of expertise, adherence to core values, and the ability to implement those guiding beliefs into everything an organization is doing make Josh an invaluable asset to Centra’s leadership.

Today, he lives with his wife and kids in the Twin Cities metro. When he’s not working, he can likely be found at an area hockey rink watching his son play. He also enjoys spending time at his family cabin near the Canadian border.